About Phase 1
Phase 1 of the CWLI kicked off in 2018 and was structured and funded for the largest 165 water systems, though smaller systems were considered if space was available. The focus of the program was the AWWA M36 water audit, the free AWWA Water Audit Software and associated WRF 4639 Level 1 Validation methodology. CWCB teamed with Cavanaugh and WSO to deliver this important program.
The program primarily included 4 work sessions spread out approximately over a 2-year period, beginning Spring of 2019. Two of those work sessions were held at regional workshop locations (CEUs are anticipated), and 2 work sessions were conducted remotely with shared screen. Utilities are were encouraged to include staff responsible for these areas:
Supply metering / Customer metering / Billing / Management
The program was structured with 2 tracks, to accommodate utilities who already have experience with the AWWA M36 water audit, as well as those who were new to it. Advanced validation & analysis was available to a small number of utilities, depending on utility readiness and CWLI budget availability. For the full CWLI Phase 1 report, visit the CWCB Urban Water Efficiency page.

March 2019 - May 2019
Stage 1 begins with a brief webcast (posted March 28th). Next is a 1-day in-person work session (classroom) that covers the basics of AWWA M36 water auditing and introduces water audit data validation. From this work session, each utility will prepare an AWWA M36 water audit for Calendar 2018.
Introduce Colorado Water Loss Initiative
Begin technical assistance
Create utility water audit teams
Stage 1 New Learner Workshop details are here.
Stage 1 Early Adopter Workshop details are here.
What to bring?
Each utility team should bring at least 1 laptop for the hands-on exercises.
Lunch will be provided.

May 2019 - November 2019
Stage 2 is a teleconference work session in which water auditing experts and each utility’s water audit team examine the utility’s AWWA M36 water audit in a ~90 minute interview. The outcome of Stage 2 is a "practice validation" on the AWWA M36 water audit for Calendar 2018, and clarity of any actions needed for the next water audit.
Review the 2018 water audit
Discuss water audit data and data validity scores
Amendments as needed
Set action plan for next audit

November 2019 - February 2020
Stage 3 is a 1-day in-person work session (classroom) that reinforces the water audit methodology before more deeply exploring water audit data validation and the connection between water auditing and water loss control.
Continue technical assistance
Connect water audits to water loss control
Prepare for Stage 4

February 2020 - June 2020
Stage 4 is a teleconference work session in which water auditing experts and each utility’s water audit team examine the utility’s AWWA M36 water audit in a ~90 minute interview. The outcome of Stage 4 is a "Level 1 Validated" AWWA M36 water audit for Calendar 2019. For any utilities who submit 1051 reporting to CWCB by July 1st, this audit will provide you with the supporting data.
Review the 2019 water audit
Discuss water audit data and data validity scores
Amendments as needed
Recommendations for next steps