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Wave 4 Document Upload

As a security measure, Dropbox will ask for your name and email upon document upload.  

If you have any issues uploading here , please email

Please include your utility name in the file name of documents you upload. (example: UtilityA_AWWAaudit.xls)

Excel spreadsheets, text files, or other delineated file formats are preferred over PDF documents for tabular data.

Required Supporting Documents

Complete AWWA Free Water Audit Software (Excel Spreadsheet)

Volume from Own Sources broken down by month and finished water supply meter

Water Imported broken down by month by import connection

Water Exported broken down by month by export connection

Supply meter testing and/or calibration documentation (if conducted)

Metered consumption volumes by month and rate code (e.g. charge status, water type, customer class)

Supplemental Supporting Documents

Customer Meter Inaccuracy derivation

Average Operating Pressure derivation

Customer Retail Unit Cost derivation

Variable Production Cost derivation

System Schematic showing locations of Own Source, Import, and Export meters

derivation = calculation or assumptions behind the input

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